JMS Dialogues Webinar Series – The Future of the Corporation

JMS Dialogues
 Webinar Series

The Journal of Management Studies (JMS), one of the leading general management journals, is launching a new webinar series, JMS Dialogues. This series is built around and features authors of published or in-process Point-Counterpoint exchanges.  Contributions to JMS’s ‘Point-Counterpoint’ section capture a current debate about management and organizations. Articles in this section explore challenging issues or topics, synthesizing recent advances and ideas into fresh theory and/or new methodological approaches.

The JMS Dialogues webinar series will feature authors of Point- and Counterpoint contributions who will present their perspective on the issue at hand, as featured in their published contributions. A discussant or discussants may offer reaction to the exchange, and the JMS editor who oversaw the Point- Counterpoint will moderate and offer a synthesis of the discussion.  Ample time will be available for questions and comments.


The next JMS Dialogue will be:

The Future of the Corporation

May 25th, 2021

12:30-14:00PM EST, 17:30-19:00 BST, 18:30-20:00 CET


PointThe Future of the Corporation and the Economics of Purpose. Colin Mayer (University of Oxford)

CounterpointCorporate Purpose Needs Democracy. Jerry Davis (University of Michigan)


Discussants: Paul Collier (University of Oxford); Jennifer Howard-Grenville (University of Cambridge)

Moderator: Gerardo Patriotta (University of Warwick), JMS Consulting Editor


To register for the Webinar please email Joanne Cheseldine at Prior to the webinar, registrants will be emailed a Zoom link.