Journal of Management Studies Launches JMS Dialogues Webinar Series with “Distance and Diversity in International Management”

Journal of Management Studies Launches JMS Dialogues Webinar Series with

“Distance and Diversity in International Management”

The Journal of Management Studies (JMS), one of the leading general management journals, is launching a new webinar series, JMS Dialogues. This series is built around and features authors of published or in-process Point-Counterpoint exchanges.  Contributions to JMS’s ‘Point-Counterpoint’ section capture a current debate about management or organizations. Articles in this section explore theoretically and empirically challenging issues or topics, synthesizing recent advances and ideas into fresh theory and/or new methodological approaches.

The JMS Dialogues webinar series will feature authors of Point- and Counterpoint contributions who will present their perspective on the issue at hand, as featured in their published contributions. A discussant or discussants may offer reaction to the exchange, and the JMS editor who oversaw the Point- Counterpoint will moderate and offer a synthesis of the discussion.  Ample time will be available for questions and comments.


The first JMS Dialogue will be:

Distance and Diversity in International Management:

Two Sides of the Same Coin?

April 21, 2021

11:00AM-12:15PM EST, 16:00-17:15 BST, 17:00-18:15 CET


PointInternational Management as Management of Diversity: Reconceptualizing Distance as DiversityFabrice Lumineau (Purdue University), Marvin Hanisch (University of Groningen), Olivier Wurtz (University of Vaasa)


CounterpointIntegrating Diversity into Distance Research for Added Rigor, Parsimony, and Relevance. Tatiana Kostova (University of South Carolina), Sjoerd Beugelsdijk (University of Groningen)


Discussant: Oded Shenkar (Ohio State University)


Moderator: Jonathan Doh (Villanova University), JMS General Editor


To register for the Webinar please email Joanne Cheseldine at Prior to the webinar, registrants will be emailed a Zoom link.